After The Flood – Artificial Sports Surfaces

If you have been affected by the recent bad weather its worth bearing in mind the following points when it comes to your artificial sports surface.

Even though the water may have subsided, many hazards will still remain which you’ll need to take into consideration to keep your staff, volunteers, members and general public safe.

A planned approach to clean up is required to maintain safety and the long term use of the facility. First thing is to contact your insurance company – do not remove anything from site until you have done this.

Secondly take advice from a specialist sports surface consultant to establish if the surface can be rejuvenated or if a new surface is required. You should be careful to wash the sediment off the surface and remove in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not wash the sediment into the pile or into perimeter drains as this will block drainage.

Heavily affected artificial sports surfaces should be cleaned using specialist equipment by specialist cleaning contractors. The equipment should combine brushed with air or water to clean the surface and any infill to remove the sediment. If the worst comes to the worst contact your manufacturer who would be able to advise on overlaying the existing ground work.

For future reference:
· Develop a club flood plan
· Look at a flood resilient design
· Plan ahead

Want to know more? Contact our team today.